Results for 'Derek Leroy Buschman'

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  1.  21
    Bookmarks.Derek Browne - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):325-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bookmarks Raman Selden's A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory is now published in the United States by the University Press of Kentucky ($17.00 cloth, $7.00 paper). It is a discerning introduction for students (and anyone else) to the current state of "theory"—a word which in this context seems for the present to have lost its neutral sense. Given the tendentious climate of literary studies, Selden's book is all (...)
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  2. An Epistemological Conception of Safe Spaces.Derek Anderson - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (3):285-311.
    The debate over safe spaces has traditionally been cast as a conflict between competing goals. On the one hand we have epistemic goals such as the pursuit of truth and the free exchange of ideas. O...
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  3. A propos de la# Vie* de Symeon Stylile.Alice Leroy-Molinghen - 1964 - Byzantion 34:375-384.
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    La philosophie britannique contemporaine.A. -L. Leroy - 1960 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 150:267 - 279.
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    Négation ou recherche de Dieu.André-Louis Leroy - 1956 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146:290 - 300.
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  6. Rapid environmental changes and civilisation collapse: can we learn from them?Suzanne Leroy - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  7. (2 other versions)Later selves and moral principles.Derek Parfit - 1973 - In Alan Montefiore, Philosophy and personal relations. Montreal,: McGill- Queen's University Press.
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  8. An Economist's View of the Individual.Roger Leroy Miller - 1972 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 53 (3):329.
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  9. Transcendence and the Sacred.Alan M. Olson, Leroy S. Rouner & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1984 - Philosophy East and West 34 (2):211-226.
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  10. Infusing perception with imagination.Derek H. Brown - 2018 - In Fiona Macpherson & Fabian Dorsch, Perceptual Imagination and Perceptual Memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 133-160.
    I defend the thesis that most or all perceptual experiences are infused with imaginative contributions. While the idea is not new, it has few supporters. I begin by developing a framework for the underlying debate. Central to that framework is the claim that a perceptual experience is infused with imagination if and only if there are self-generated contributions to that experience that have ampliative effect on its phenomenal and directed elements. Self-generated ingredients to experience are produced by the subject as (...)
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  11. Handling rejection.Derek Baker & Jack Woods - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):159-190.
    This paper has two related goals. First, we develop an expressivist account of negation which, in the spirit of Alan Gibbard, treats disagreement as semantically primitive. Our second goal is to make progress toward a unified expressivist treatment of modality. Metaethical expressivists must be expressivists about deontic modal claims. But then metaethical expressivists must either extend their expressivism to include epistemic and alethic modals, or else accept a semantics for modal expressions that is radically disjunctive. We propose that expressivists look (...)
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    The problem of abortion and negative and positive duty.James LeRoy Smith - 1978 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 3 (3):245-252.
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    Towards a theory of knowledge acquisition – re-examining the role of language and the origins and evolution of cognition.Derek Meyer - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (1):57-67.
    The relativist position on knowledge is summarized by Protagoras’ phrase “Man is the measure of all things”. Protagoras’ detractors countered that there was no reason for his pupils to employ him since, by his own admission, his lessons lacked privilege. This the educationist’s relativist paradox. The Enlightenment tradition of Descartes, Locke and Kant solved this paradox by distinguishing given objective knowledge from constructed subjective knowledge, but this position has itself been discredited by the work of Sellars, Quine and many other (...)
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    The Value of Aesthetic Value: Aesthetics, Ethics, and The Network Theory.Derek Matravers - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (62):189-204.
    The standard discussion of the relation between aesthetics and ethics tends to avoid the fundamental question: how are those two values ranked against each other in terms of importance. This paper looks at two arguments, the ‘resource allocation argument’ and the ‘relative weight argument’. It puts forward the view that any theory of aesthetic value should characterise aesthetic value in a way that allows for the existence of these arguments. It argues that hedonism does that successfully, but the more recent (...)
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    A Bayesian framework for knowledge attribution: Evidence from semantic integration.Derek Powell, Zachary Horne, Ángel Pinillos & Keith Holyoak - 2015 - Cognition 139 (C):92-104.
    We propose a Bayesian framework for the attribution of knowledge, and apply this framework to generate novel predictions about knowledge attribution for different types of “Gettier cases”, in which an agent is led to a justified true belief yet has made erroneous assumptions. We tested these predictions using a paradigm based on semantic integration. We coded the frequencies with which participants falsely recalled the word “thought” as “knew” (or a near synonym), yielding an implicit measure of conceptual activation. Our experiments (...)
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    David Harvey: a critical reader.Noel Castree & Derek Gregory (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    This book critically interrogates the work of David Harvey, one of the world’s most influential geographers, and one of its best known Marxists. Considers the entire range of Harvey’s oeuvre, from the nature of urbanism to environmental issues. Written by contributors from across the human sciences, operating with a range of critical theories. Focuses on key themes in Harvey’s work. Contains a consolidated bibliography of Harvey’s writings.
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  17. Corporations and the Common Good.Robert B. Dickie & Leroy S. Rouner - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (10):734-800.
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  18. Progressism.Edward Leroy Schaub - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50:338.
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  19. Philosophy To-Day.Edward Leroy Schaub - 1928 - Humana Mente 3 (11):384-385.
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  20. William Torrey Harris, 1835- - 1935.Edward Leroy Schaub, Daniel Sommer Robinson & Kurt F. Leidecker (eds.) - 1936 - London,: The Open court publishing company.
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  21. Four key steps in developing leader integrity.Tony Simons, Kevin Basik & Hannes Leroy - 2011 - In Charles Wankel & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Management education for integrity: ethically educating tomorrow's business leaders. North America: Emerald.
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  22. Data-palace: Modern memory work in digital environments.Derek Van Ittersum - 2007 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 11 (3).
  23. Projectivism and phenomenal presence.Derek H. Brown - 2018 - In Fiona Macpherson & Fabian Dorsch, Phenomenal Presence. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 226-251.
    Projectivism is the thesis that we project at least some subjective aspects of perception into what we experience as the world outside ourselves. It is familiar from various phantom pains, afterimages, and hallucinations. Strong Projectivism asserts that all perceptual experiences involve and only involve direct awareness of projected elements. Strong Projectivism is an unpopular and I argue underappreciated variety of intentionalism (or representationalism). It straightforwardly explains the transparency of experience (section 2) and phenomena qualia theorists offer to avoid intentionalism such (...)
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    Re-Imagining Affect with Study: Implications from a Daoist Wind-Story and Yin–Yang Movement.Weili Zhao & Derek R. Ford - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (2):109-121.
    Within educational philosophy and theory there has recently been a re-turn to the concept and practices of studying as an alternative or oppositional educational logic to push back against learning as the predominant mode of educational engagement. While promising, we believe that this research on studying has been limited in a few ways. First, while the ontological aspects of studying have been examined in a thorough manner, the affective dimension of studying has not yet been investigated. Second, while a diverse (...)
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  25. Essay Questions–The Case for the Resurrection.Jeffrey S. Krause & Derek Bartlow - 2009 - In David Papineau, Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 240--01.
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    The local church in the west (1500–1945).Giuseppe Alberigo - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (2):125–143.
    Book reviewed in this article: Ezekiel 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 25–48. By Walther Zimmerli. The Prophets, Vol. II: The Babylonian and Persian Periods. By Klaus Koch. Intertestamental Literature by Martin McNamara. Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament by Martin McNamara. Jesus and the World of Judaism. By Geza Vermes. The Rediscovery of Jesus's Eschatological Discourse. By David Wenham. Sexism and God Talk: Towards a Feminist Theology. By Rosemary Ruether. In Memory of Her: A (...)
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    Persuasion Monologue.Chris Reed & Derek Long - unknown
    The emphasis in most process-oriented models of argumentation is placed heavily upon analysis of dialogue. The current work puts forward an account which examines the argumentation involved in persuasive monologue, drawing upon commitment-based theories of dialogue. The various differences between monologue and dialogue are discussed, with particular reference to the possibility of designing a monologue game in which commitments are dynamically incurred and updated as the monologue is created. Finally, the computational advantages of adopting such an approach are explored in (...)
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  28. Living fossils and conservation values.Derek D. Turner & Junhyung Han - 2023 - Frontiers in Earth Science 11.
    Horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) have been in decline in Long Island Sound, and recently there has been discussion of whether the state of Connecticut should stop issuing licenses for commercial harvesting. This paper argues that in spite of concerns about the living fossil concept, the fact that the horseshoe crabs are living fossils should count in favor of more stringent protection. The paper distinguishes four different views about the status of the living fossil concept: 1) eliminativism; 2) redefinition; 3) reframing; (...)
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  29. Blueprint for change: doctoral programs for college teachers.Paul Leroy Dressel - 1972 - [Iowa City]: American College Testing Program. Edited by Frances H. Delisle.
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    Reply to" Reasons and Causes in Philosophy and Psychopathology".Jonathan Hill & Derek Bolton - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (4):319-322.
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    Gestalt similarity groupings are not constructed in parallel.Dian Yu, Derek Tam & Steven L. Franconeri - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):8-13.
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    Colour Constancy.Derek H. Brown - 2017 - In Derek Brown & Fiona Macpherson, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour. New York: Routledge. pp. 269-284.
    At first pass, colour constancy occurs when one sees a thing in one’s environment to have a stable colour despite differences in the way it is illuminated. The phenomenon is intuitively grounded for example in everyday experiences in which something is partly shadowed but, in some sense, looks to be uniformly coloured. After a brief introduction to the colour constancy concept (§0) and the science of colour constancy (§1), my focus is on the significance of colour constancy for two intertwined (...)
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  33. An introduction, a wager: Long live 1radical philosophy and education!R. Ford Derek, Savannah Jo Wilcek Anneliese Waalkes & Clayton Cooprider - 2019 - In Derek Ford, Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements. Boston: Brill.
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    The Air Conditions of Philosophy of Education: Toward a Microsphereology of the Classroom.Derek R. Ford - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:261-268.
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    Synaesthesia and Encapsulation.Derek D. Nikolinakos - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (11-12):131-154.
    The concept of informational encapsulation has been important in promoting a view of the mind that has dominated cognitive science. Multisensory phenomena, such as synaesthesia, have been used as evidence for challenging this view. The main objective of this paper is to provide a more detailed understanding of the nature of such a challenge by examining the two types of grapheme–colour synaesthesia, projectors and associators. It is argued that the phenomena under consideration exemplify partial encapsulation failure and that it is (...)
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    Pierre Bourdieu: E-Special Issue Introduction.Derek Robbins - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (7-8):325-353.
    This e-special issue explores the reception of Bourdieu’s work in one journal, Theory, Culture & Society, which commenced at about the same time that Bourdieu was beginning to acquire an international reputation. It offers a case-study of the English representation of Bourdieu’s work through almost 40 years and focuses on the role of the journal in carrying Bourdieu’s work across cultural boundaries. It introduces the scope of that work but, primarily, it is designed to encourage reference to his texts in (...)
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    Climate strike: the practical politics of the climate crisis.Derek Wall - 2020 - Dagenham: Merlin Press.
    Climate change is a product of the entire social and economic system within which we exist, in a word, capitalism.
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    The effect of developmental regulation on visual attention: The example of the "biological clock".Jessica Light & Derek Isaacowitz - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (5):623-645.
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    Kill or care?John Derek Searle - 1977 - Exeter: Paternoster Press.
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  40. Dialogue on Learning.J. Dougher Participants: Michael, A. Hamilton Derek, C. Hayes Steven & Eva Jablonka - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan, Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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  41. Temps, espace, matière, Leçons sur la théorie de la relativité générale, 4e éd.H. Weyl, G. Juvet, R. Leroy & G. Bouligand - 1961 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 151:525-526.
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  42. Deux congrès philosophiques de 1952, 91.André-Louis Leroy - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:91-92.
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    The duration of attention.M. Leroy Billings - 1914 - Psychological Review 21 (2):121-135.
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  44. Enquête sur les principes de la morale, Bibliothèque philosophique.David Hume & D'andré Leroy - 1950 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 55 (2):220-221.
  45. Early American Philosophers. — Columbia University Contributions to Philosophy, Psychology and Education.Adam Leroy Jones - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 48:220-222.
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    The Legal, Ethical, and Practical Implications of Noncompetition Clauses: What Physicians Should Know before They Sign.Derek W. Loeser - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (2):283-291.
    Employers of all types, including group practices, health maintenance organizations, and university and other hospital practices, commonly include noncompetition clauses in physician employment contracts. The clauses only apply in the event physicians leave their employers, and typically only limit activities in relatively narrow geographic areas. Consequently, physicians often agree to the clauses without much thought or analysis. This is a mistake, as the clauses may have broad adverse ramifications for both physicians and patients.This article identifies the standard components of noncompetition (...)
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    Review of Beiträge zur Entstehungsgeschichte der neueren Ästhetik. [REVIEW]A. Leroy Jones - 1900 - Psychological Review 7 (6):618-619.
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    cNair's A Class-Room Logic. [REVIEW]Adam Leroy Jones - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):27.
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    itherspoon's Lectures on Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]Adam Leroy Jones - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy 10 (8):221.
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  50. Blanché , Introduction À La Logique Contemporaine. [REVIEW]A. Leroy - 1961 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 151:522.
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